The Las Vegas Courtesan

Posts Tagged ‘new york’

Funny Bachelor Party Story At The MGM Grand

Monday, July 28th, 2008

I got a call a little bit early after I ate dinner to go to the MGM Grand for a two-girl call to see some Irish guys. Ended up being only one guy getting entertainment so the other girl left since I had gotten there first and seemed to like me better. I was there for an escort agency so I got the fee out of the way and started talking about the tips and what all we could do for the small amount of money he had. Unfortunately we had to stick to lap dances and a hand job.

I started dancing for the guy and he tells me that tomorrow he’s getting married in New York.
I asked him, “As in New York, NY the hotel across the street?”

He replied back with, “No as in New York City as in up north in America… at 2pm. Last night my buddies took me to the Spearmint Rhino and got me tons of dances and tonight is my last night so I wanted something in my room!”

Wow what a traveler and quite a hangover he will be experiencing tomorrow! I pull off his boxers, put on a condom with the lube inside (always makes things work better and feel better for the customers too) and start the fun. After trying for a while he tells me he’s giving up and things aren’t feeling as good since he’s been drinking all night and day. He also mentioned that he is still really sore from those dances he got at the club last night. He starts pulling off the condom with the rag I got for him and he starts making shrieking sounds.
“Oh dear god I’ve done it!” as he holds the cloth to his groin.

I said, “What could it be… I use a safe clean water based lube and you’re not allergic to latex right?”
“No”, he replied, “it’s the bloody dances from last night and my dick was rubbin’ against my belt!” and points to the large eagle shaped belt buckle he was wearing now on the floor.

Ouch… I told him to let me see and he pulled away the cloth to show that indeed there was a really red splotch on the end and up the shaft that was rubbed completely raw. I am sure my performance didn’t help anything at all. I can’t imagine feeling this same raw feeling on my privates on a girl. I am sure his honeymoon will be a sore one!

My Thoughts On New York Governor Eliot Spitzer’s Resignation…

Wednesday, March 26th, 2008

I find it amusing that I have people combing websites to find out who I really am. Awesome! Keep searching… it’s possible. I have actually had one person figure out who I was and booked a party with me. I was quite surprised when I found this out… so see? It is possible.

So someone else asked me about my opinion on the whole ridiculously over-rated Spitzer sex-scandal and his involvement in a “prostitution ring”. I don’t see what the whole huge deal was that the media and the New York government immediately wanted him to step down. As far as I know, he didn’t lie under oath. The new governor has admitted now to using cocaine and marijuana so how does that make him any better of a governor than Spitzer? They both broke the law, neither done in front or to a law enforcement officer, so who knows what really happened? Most importantly… who cares? I sure don’t. I don’t know if Spitzer was that swell of a governor but it’s a shame he lost his job for this and the replacement isn’t much better of a “moral character”. I hate that word by the way… morals. Its something that the right winged religious fanatics care about and that’s the voice that gets heard the most in our government. I wish our country would get out of the Victorian Age of thinking and get a wake up call.

I can’t find the poll but a friend of mine told me of a poll he saw on the Times’ web site about prostitution and should it be legal or not. He said that a large majority said they think it should be legalized and regulated. Wow… just wish I could find that!

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