The Las Vegas Courtesan

Posts Tagged ‘bachelor parties’

The Most Original Las Vegas Bachelor Party, I Tell Ya!

Saturday, July 7th, 2007

Not too long after the event in the last blog entry I went to a call at the Tropicana Hotel by myself and the phone girl informed me it was a couple call. I do entertain couples but my general rule is that I don’t perform oral sex on girls… don’t get me wrong I love girls, I just don’t want to hassle with using dental dam (plus I am sure it doesn’t feel that great anyway). Luckily most couples aren’t interested in that anyway…

So, I show up and there are two guys, stoned out of their mind and they explain to me that it’s their friend’s bachelor party. I was confused, “I thought this was for a couple”, I said. They replied, “Oh it is, they are just in the next room”. The guy and girl come out, one a voluptuous girl and a skinny short guy who is more stoned/drunk than everyone else in the room. The collecting of the fee and discussing of the tips took forever but I was determined to leave with something since my night hadn’t been too great. In the end, the couple and I went to the second bedroom… giving him a hand job while they made out since they didn’t have much of a budget. The whole time the mood was kind of odd and dull but in the end he said it was “awesome”. As long as they are happy, then I am happy! I have to say though, I have never seen so much pubic hair in my life until then. ☺

The Magic Pussy

Sunday, May 20th, 2007

A girl and I went to a bachelor party call yesterday together and after a number of previous party calls that I ended up not making anything. I was not excited when we stepped in on yet another party. This party changed my luck for the night and we actually started off with decent tips for dancing and embarrassing the bachelor.

After that was all done with the guys gathered some cash to make sure their bachelor friend was taken care of at least with a hand job. Unfortunately we have to do this in the bathroom since their was only one large room. The bachelor sits down on the toilet and after he gets clean and puts on some protection, I start stroking him while the other girl takes her thong off. He isn’t too far from having an orgasm and as soon as she turns around and bends over, he twitches and its all done with. I’d say no more than 2 minutes does this all take place.

We send the bachelor off to see if anyone else is interested in some “private entertainment” with us and one guy steps in the bathroom. After convincing him that we are not just going to give a dance, he tips us for the same handjob. After taking 10 seconds to get hard, the girl does the same move of bending over and showing her pussy. Yet again the guy instantly finishes. Afterwards I tell her that she must have some sort of magical pussy for those kind of results!


The younger prostitutes of Las Vegas and how they are screwing it up for everyone else.

Sunday, April 15th, 2007

Yea, I need to vent for a second. It’s situations like what I heard last night and what happened to me at a bachelor party the night before that makes me want to smack some sense into these younger girls. I am in my mid twenties and quite a few of the newer girls at services I work at are 18-20 or maybe just turned 21. No matter what their age, they have been acting like they are 16. Things around Vegas have gotten a little bit tougher when making money because of the girls that come from out of town or don’t know how to make money end up screwing so many people over. Why should they care? They are only in town for the week or just want to test the waters at being a prostitute. They don’t realize the impact it has on tourists who come back next year for their convention or on down the road for a future vacation. What these girls don’t realize is how to get whatever money they can, do the act and move on. Just because you had to bargain down to some lower amount of money to make the deal doesn’t make you less of a person for doing so. After all, you are STILL making more money than lawyers and doctors do per hour so smile! You are still a whore, and no level of money changes that.

So the night before last I went on a service call with one of these younger girls (let’s call her Joann) who really wishes she wasn’t in the sex industry. Most of these girls used to or still work in strip clubs and just put on some “I’m better than you” attitude but somehow ended up in the sex industry from their pimp who wanted them to make more money. That is this girl’s story, also. So Joann and I go to the call at the Las Vegas Hilton at 4:30 in the morning and it turns out to be an 8-person bachelor party. No biggie though bachelor parties are one of my least favorite. They give us the company fee pretty easily and we start talking about our tips (we talk and collect 95% of our tips up front for parties so they know what kind of party they are getting and we aren’t constantly begging for money the whole time). They say we are too high and want to negotiate. The main guy who is dealing with the money goes to the other guys and collects as much as he can per person to pitch in. He comes back to us with about 1/3 of what we originally asked for which is STILL a good bit of money. After her sulking and looking pissed about the amount he wants to tip, she agrees to do the show for the bachelor. We go out to the room and I start dancing for the bachelor while she just STANDS there next to me, watching. The whole time looking like her best friend just died and won’t smile to even seem halfway interested. I ask for tips to play some of the bachelor games and she says nothing to help to get more cash to boost up what we got paid originally. After one game Joann sat down and looked at her phone and claimed she had another call to go to. GOOD please go and leave me here so I can try to work these guys and make some more money. After her horrible attitude and leaving the room, the customers didn’t want to spend any more money for sexual acts because they were of course… disappointed! I tried being chipper and got a couple extra 20’s for being polite and left the room a little ticked. I made sure the girls at the company knew about her attitude and hopefully won’t be sent anywhere with her again.

Last night the story I heard was another young girl (who has previously screwed up calls we have gone on together) who was at the Bellagio and took $2,500 from a customer, claimed she didn’t feel good, and somehow left the room without even taking her clothes off. I was dumbfounded. I also know that she doesn’t do “full service” a.k.a. have sex with customers. No girl has to do anything they don’t want to do, but I don’t understand why she wants to be in this industry and NOT have sex? What I concluded was that she promised this guy that she would have sex but then bailed. I know the company isn’t too happy with her at all right now… and of course that guy will never come back to Vegas and have a girl over again.

Anyway I am done venting. The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) is in town and is the largest convention that comes here every year. Last year was kind of disappointing but hopefully this year will be different!

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