The Las Vegas Courtesan

Sharon’s Bar & Brothel

Posted in Brothels,Nevada,Prostitution,Sex Workers by lasvegascourtesan

Sharon’s Brothel is the first house you get to on Highway 278 heading south away from the small town of Carlin. It’s a large trailer that has a bar and seating area, but has no VIP rooms in the back— only the rooms that the girls live and work out of. Since it was quite small there wasn’t much of a tour to be had, but I did learn one new thing about regulations and testing that I had never heard before. Apparently since there are new tests for HPV and other STD’s, the girls have the option in Nevada to have an anal exam to clear them of any STD’s so that they may also perform anal sex. The girl at Sharon’s informed me that she had the proper testing to be cleared to perform anal sex if the customer desired to do so. I had always wondered about the legal restrictions on anal sex since I had read long ago in the book about the original Mustang Ranch that anal sex was prohibited. I personally would never perform anal sex with any client even if I was cleared to do so, but it’s good to know there are specific tests and requirements for the girls to pass in order to keep them clean and safe.

   I struck up a conversation with the owner (who might have been Sharon herself) while she chain smoked away sitting at the bar by the door. She’s a chatty older woman who seems like she’s seen it all in the brothel industry. I would have loved to pick her brain, but we all know how much I love cigarette smoke and had to leave quickly. I had mentioned wanting to visit the brothels in Nevada since I had moved here (well, even before I had lived here), and she had encouraged writing a book about them instead of writing about them online. I know there have been plenty of small books written over the years and tried to explain that I wouldn’t get rich very quickly by selling a $10 paperback book. Ah well, I guess I’ll stick to my night job!

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April 27th, 2011 at 08:52pm Trackback URIAdd comment

The Dovetail Ranch Brothel

Posted in Brothels,Las Vegas,Nevada,Prostitution,Sex Workers by lasvegascourtesan

 The Dovetail has been closed for an undisclosed period, but had recently reopened in September of 2010 when it was bought out by new owners. The girls in that were helping out with keeping the brothel open during the holidays were super nice, but only had one girl on and a couple more on their way from southern Nevada. I unfortunately didn’t get a tour since it seemed like I had come at an inopportune time of day and caught them all off guard. They had a full bar that looked nice, and was all situated in a cute and quaint log cabin. Nice change to the run down looking trailer/manufactured homes. If I were to chose between the two brothels to visit and be entertained, I would have picked the Dovetail Ranch. The cozy and clean feel to the place plus the nice staff won me over between the two options. I hope the new owners do well and keep the place open, just wish it was a little closer to town and the Interstate.

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April 27th, 2011 at 08:52pm Trackback URI1 comment

Photo Of The Day – Black Striped Stockings

Posted in Erotica,Las Vegas,Nevada,Photography, Photos, Pics by lasvegascourtesan

I only got to wear these once and totally ruined them on my April Fools day joke. Sad, so sad!

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April 26th, 2011 at 09:19pm Trackback URI6 comments

Photo Of The Day – Hot Pink Lace

Posted in Erotica,Las Vegas,Nevada,Photography, Photos, Pics by lasvegascourtesan

Site is fixed! Now I can go about posting the picture I wanted to last night. Also… I need to find new batteries for my remote. The timer thing is frustrating as can be.

Went shopping for some new panties:

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April 19th, 2011 at 05:01pm Trackback URI4 comments

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