Apparently some lawyer from Arizona thinks he has reason to fight a long fight in Nevada and sue the topless clubs to allow strippers to receive wages from the clubs so that they would be employees instead of independent contractors. While I agree with this, perhaps, if I still lived in my former home state where I was a dancer for a number of years then I would be totally for this and think that his firm has a chance. In fact after reading the article in the Review Journal I found out that they have fought it in court to allow such a thing in my home state.
The main reason why I am so, “yea good luck there, buddy” to this lawyer is because Las Vegas just doesn’t fall into the same guides like other states do. Girls come to Las Vegas often for one weekend to make a grip of cash and then leave to go back home. They never will return again. In fact it was reported that there are 10,000 adult entertainers who are registered in the county. That is insane to have to keep up with that amount of paper work. It is not that common to find a stripper at the same club over a long period of time. As many times as I have been to the Rhino over the past five years I know of 2 girls who have been there for more than a couple of years. Go to the same club I worked at before back home? I will still know about 5-10 girls and I haven’t worked there in several years.
I am all about fair and just treatment for girls working in the clubs but Las Vegas is an anomaly of it’s own. The club that is mentioned in the article is also a more seedy not so busy club downtown, the Glitter Gultch. If I worked there I would probably want hourly wages, too! Heh. Another downside girls see is that their tips will be reported and can’t get away with flubbing on their taxes so much. All in all? I say take the battle to other states or fight for the prostitutes out in the brothels who want benefits and don’t mind paying for it. That would be a campaign for a more just cause. Read more in the Review-Journal over here
Sorry the posts have been slim lately. I am out of town right now and brought this newspaper article with me as I left town. Definitely worth a talk…