The Las Vegas Courtesan

Archive for the ‘Nevada’ Category

Photo Post For Today

Tuesday, August 19th, 2008


Looks Like Steve Wynn Had To Choke A Bitch

Saturday, August 16th, 2008

While I was gone a friend shared this story with me (I hate to link to TMZ since it’s so silly but for some reason it was the most detailed report I could find!) and I nearly died laughing. Wow, they really beat out all of the other girls I can think of for the “Dumbest Prostitute of The Year” award. Apparently how the story goes is that there were two sisters were in the VIP valet area when one of them approached Steve Wynn and solicited him. In the police report it was reported that she said, “Do you want to get laid?” which is just absolutely ridiculous because no girl, I don’t care how dumb, would say that. They would say “do you want a date” or “lets go have a drink in your room” not just straight out “wanna fuck?” Anyway, Steve Wynn gets peeved and grabs the girl in some sort of chokehold according to the girls and when she struggles to get away he latches on tighter and calls for security. Meanwhile, the sister came up and open-hand slapped Steve Wynn in the face. Wow, that takes some nerve and I am sure this girl had no idea who she was dealing with.

What ticks me off is the police report since it’s obviously doctored up for Mr. Wynn and his “side” of the story. I believe what TMZ posted is the real report since the font and styling is like reports I have had from car incidents. Besides what I mentioned earlier of the verbal exchange between the two, the part about how he merely “wrapped his arms around [her] shoulders” is I think far from the truth because if someone was so nicely and gently “wrapping” their arms around someone and there was a struggle, this hold would not have kept her contained. I don’t think he physically wrapped has hands around her neck or something, but I am sure quite a bit more force was used than told in the report. On Fox 5 Las Vegas’ site they got to interview one of the sisters and she claimed that Steve Wynn had approached her and repeatedly called her Jaime like a mistaken identity. Who knows but things smell fishy from both sides and I am sure the girls will have to find a good lawyer to defend themselves. Also there are rumors one of the sisters is trying to sue Wynn but I doubt that will happen.

Oh and another thing to point out that seems sketchy… how would some random girl be able to walk up to a big casino mogul like that without 30 security guys protecting him? Sheldon Adelson has crazy security guards, along with Kirk Kirkorian and etc. It was also stated the first person to “help” was a valet guy? Quite pathetic if that was my first line of defense being the casino owner.

So I’ve been back in Vegas for a few days. Got the bags finally unpacked and have been busy keeping house since my brain just doesn’t want to get back on schedule! The first two days I came back were mediocre but last night ended up being decent and I am quite pleased. Lets keep that going!

Photo Post For Today

Wednesday, August 13th, 2008

Heels picture

Heading Back To Las Vegas

Monday, August 11th, 2008

I am getting antsy driving back to Las Vegas now… this little vacation is over and I am looking forward to being in dry heat instead of humidity, looking forward to working instead of sitting on my butt doing nothing productive, and eat some healthy food instead of vegging out on yummy home cooked food from family (but it’s so good!) I only have two weeks until my serious vacation to a foreign country with friends. I won’t be gone for too long but I really am looking forward to it. Really need to bust my butt to make as much money as I can and hit the ground running as soon as I get back.
When leaving Vegas for a week or two its always fun to come back and drive around to see what they have changed. Its amazing how much buildings shoot up, signs change, and new performers are added or scratched from large sticky advertising on the buildings. Anyway hope my house is okay and I have oodles of blogs to catch up on!

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