So I left a comment on an old article in my blog about how there was a new operation that the vice squad had come up with to get the top 50 offenders behind bars and actually convict them to send some sort of message to the rest of the working girls. As I said in the comment, the number of girls that were in jail the same time I was back in December had already been in there at least 10 times that month. They talked of stealing and really only hurt the business instead of making it more respectable for the rest of us. So all during the month of February vice thought it would be a good idea to make a top 50 list of the biggest offenders and crack down. The girls they showed in the original Review-Journal article were all presented as prostitutes, but if you scroll down the list of girls and their charges only 3 of them have actual charges for prostitution. The rest of them are simply trespassing charges. I would be really mad if my face appeared on a news site accusing me of being something I wasn’t arrested for.
So the other day I open up my newspaper to find this article on the front page saying out of the 100 or so arrests during Operation VETO they got one conviction! Wow. The funny thing is they say she was “convicted” but really, she wasn’t. The jail sentence was suspended and she was given a $1,000 fine and banned from the Strip for 6 months or get 6 months jail if she is caught again. This is nothing new and the Strip restrictions have been going on for years. I don’t understand why this is any different. The girl is an idiot to have been arrested over 100 times in the past three years, but mostly only for trespassing? Makes no sense how they are saying this girl is being used as an example. How about the Vice squad actually go get those juvenile prostitutes being held against their will, or the people actually committing real crimes? After all of the trouble these cases clog up the court system, nothing will ever teach girls a lesson, so why bother? Get the real criminals… or actually help the underage girls forced into the profession. This 27 year old girl is only over taxing our already suffering court system in Clark County.