The Las Vegas Courtesan

Archive for the ‘Las Vegas’ Category

What Would You Do??

Monday, June 8th, 2009

So what would you do if you were an escort in a tourist city and when you call to get the information of a client, the girl who booked the call says the room number then says the first and last name of a person you know from your home state? I’m not talking about John Smith, nor something as extreme as Mach Klichenstiener …

This happened to me recently. I pulled into the Sahara hotel and the phone girl told me the name of a friend of mine from my home state. I paused… I could totally see this person visiting Las Vegas for a convention and getting the hair brained idea of calling a girl over. I called the room first to see what the guy sounded like since I can judge by the voice alone, but no one answered. I kind of froze because I knew I had to go knock on the door since the services are pretty strict on once you know the room information, they want you to go up to see if they are physically in the room.  I go upstairs, with my heart beating and knock on the door. Luckily no one still answered and she informed me the client was seriously drunk. Ah good. Luckily I have never run into someone I know from back home, but I have had other similar names come up but were really generic and thought nothing of it. So… if you were in my shoes, what would you do if you recognized a name?

Photo Of The Day – Laying Down

Friday, June 5th, 2009

I’m not sure who somewhat suggested this type of shot but.. here ya go! I like how it turned out

Photo Of The Day – Spread From Behind

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2009

Photo Of The Day – Black And White Photo

Thursday, May 21st, 2009

By request… more black and white photography!

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