The Big Scam In Las Vegas
Wednesday, August 12th, 2009So I thought I had brought this up in a previous entry but can’t seem to find it and a recent email from a reader brought this to my head and definitely wanted people to know about it and what a huge scam it is. Some people may think that agencies are scams but if you read my blog about agencies in my first timers guide you can understand how they work a little better and not feel ripped off. Anyway this is what Gary wrote to me in an email:
“When I was in a cab. The driver tried to convince us to go to place that he would only identify as ‘HB’ (insisting he couldn’t divulge any further details due to the camera in the car). $150 would get us in the door and another $150-$300 would get us ‘anything we wanted’. We would be allowed to choose the girls, etc. He said it was like The Ranch – but without having to drive to the middle of nowhere for it. I guess what he was describing was essentially a “massage parlor” in LV city limits. Do you think this was all legitimate?”
These places (which the cabbie was referring to Hard Bodies and of course I would never trust a soul if someone wouldn’t tell me the real name of where I was going) are notorious for taking your money and leaving you high and dry. Obviously prostitution is Illegal here and these places play the game against you and making you believe you will get whatever you want but the truth is, prostitution is still illegal! Then they act dumb when you don’t get the services you thought you were getting.
This is what happens in these joints: You walk in, pay some sort of cover charge (that immediately goes to the cabbie who brought you there and he bails once he’s paid), you go in the back and pick your girl, then she goes over their “packages” which you assume are for different sexual acts, and pay anywhere from $150-$1000. You go in the back with the girl, who doesn’t usually even take off her top, and she proceeds to give you a hand and ear massage. That’s it. The customer gets frustrated, pissed, angry, and wants his money back (of course!) but about that time a big security man comes in and literally throws you out because you were wanting an illegal act that they don’t offer. Your taxi guy, who you want to kill by this point, is of course long gone and a new eager driver is ready to take you away from the rip off joint. What does this new cabbie suggest? Unfortunately he suggests one of the legit agencies that sends girls to your room. Why I know all of is because I get to hear about it every time I am sent to a cab referral’s customer who has been to one of these chop shops. This of course now makes my job much more difficult because the agency fee sounds like the start of the scam he just left, and it’s not.
So the moral of the story is? Don’t ever do an “incall” type of service where you are taken to because in the end you will get exactly that.. taken.
Why doesn’t the city or county do anything about it? Because at no point are the girls soliciting sex, you are just foolishly hoping and believing they are selling sexual services. Sadly, in the end they make the customer look like the idiot.
(Oh and by the way, the cameras in cabs are not on constantly like people think. These cameras are only around when a wreck happens and are automatically triggered by a sensor to record the 5 seconds before and 5 seconds after the wreck, otherwise they are not on. So never fear, you can your girl friend can still get frisky in the backseat without worrying about being on Taxicab Confessions)