The Las Vegas Courtesan

Archive for the ‘Las Vegas’ Category

Photo Of The Day – B&W Film Edition

Monday, January 4th, 2010

This photo is similar to the one I posted when I got back from my vacation in September, but the film one I think made it look more interesting (of course). Always love the grain of film over the flawless digital, but convenience almost always wins!

Merry Christmas… Here’s Your Present!

Saturday, December 26th, 2009

It’s a photo! I hope you like it. After finally making it home and unloading my goodies, I thought of an interesting photo:

Also, my sincere apologies for not taking a photo after I had gotten waxed. I was trying to wrap things up getting out of town and by the time I had the chance, it seemed like the oh-so-smooth job was not so smooth and irritated. Wasn’t that impressed with the job I experienced this time (seems like waxing professionals never stick around in this town for long after I find a good one). I plan on getting it redone and shooting some more photos soon.

Hope everyone had a nice Christmas, I am just glad to be back home and playing with my candy cane… It’s a sticky mess for sure.

Vote In The Poll – How Should I Get Waxed?

Tuesday, December 8th, 2009

I have an appointment set for Thursday to get my pussy hair trimmed up for the holidays and I am always so indecisive before I go in about how I should get it styled. So this time I am enlisting in your help! What style should I go with?? Nothing too crazy so I didn’t include a heart… but I found a pretty good list and made it so you all can vote for your favorite style.

I mean how often do you get to vote on how a girl fixes her pussy hair? Poll will close Thursday morning!

How should I style my pussy hair?

  • Bald - all waxed off. (47%, 70 Votes)
  • The Brazilian (don't really know if this is the correct name) - removing all but a very thin strip of pubic hair down the center (17%, 25 Votes)
  • The French -involves removing a strip of hair both sides - in between a Hilter and the Bikini Bottom (11%, 16 Votes)
  • The Bikini Bottom/Bikini Line - Just a tidy up where hair remains giving the effect of a bikini bottom shape when viewed from the front. (10%, 15 Votes)
  • The Landing Strip - like the Hitler but longer (9%, 13 Votes)
  • The Arrow - no need for definition 🙂 (5%, 7 Votes)
  • The Hitler- a small horizontal strip like a Hitler mustache (3%, 4 Votes)

Total Voters: 150

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Photo Of The Day – Halloween Sailor Girl

Monday, December 7th, 2009

I know it’s super late but a loyal reader reminded me that I never posted pictures of this years Halloween costume on my blog! Thanks for the reminder.. I had taken a couple to post but it had completely forgotten. Anyway.. this year I was a sexy sailor girl!

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