The Las Vegas Courtesan

Archive for the ‘Escorts’ Category

I Did The Math Tonight And Came To This Conclusion…

Sunday, September 7th, 2008

I need to start adding a surcharge for condoms… because this is getting ridiculous. I usually prepare myself for clients by stocking up on the large boxes of Trojan condoms at Costco or the cheaper Wal-Mart by my house because they are $9-$10 for the whole huge pack. When I run out in the middle of the night because customers are using 3+ condoms and somehow depleted my condom supply in a week? I have to resort to going to Walgreens on the Strip which ends up costing me $30 for the same pack or when I’m in a pinch, $5 for 3 condoms from the gift shop or convenience store. That money adds up!

So.. my conclusion is the first two condoms are free… use 3 and up? $100 surcharge. Haha. Ok so the math works out in my favor but dangit! I am tired of looking like a skank asking for condoms from Habib behind the counter, that weird lady in the gift shops, or shelling out the unnecessary $20 at Walgreens at 4am. I like to do my rubber shopping along with the rest of my shopping! Then maybe no one notices the 60+ condoms in my basket 🙂

Two Girls Brawl In Las Vegas Bally’s Ends Up In Murder

Saturday, September 6th, 2008


Not too often do you hear stories about people murdering people inside of major Strip casino hotels, butapparently this happened last night between two prostitutes. Unfortunately I only became aware of this incident after being inside of Bally’s on some ridiculously large bachelor party that was getting rowdy. I almost panicked when I became aware of it because this is not the kind of publicity us girls need in Strip casinos.

Apparently two of the three girls were arguing in the lobby of the hotel when one girl pulled out a knife and stabbed the other girl in the neck. The victim walked out into the valet of the hotel where she collapsed and later died at a hospital. Though the newspapers don’t have the motive, one girl at the large bachelor party that I was at in Bally’s said she knew one of the girls from a friend. The motive was something along the lines of one of the girls had a baby by a guy who was now with the other girl and was mad about it. Of course this is all hearsay from a girl, so who knows what the truth is, just something I heard through the “hooker grapevine” as one cop called it a few years ago. Lets hope this doesn’t backlash working girls in casinos, because the last thing I want is drama over something like this.

Looks Like Steve Wynn Had To Choke A Bitch

Saturday, August 16th, 2008

While I was gone a friend shared this story with me (I hate to link to TMZ since it’s so silly but for some reason it was the most detailed report I could find!) and I nearly died laughing. Wow, they really beat out all of the other girls I can think of for the “Dumbest Prostitute of The Year” award. Apparently how the story goes is that there were two sisters were in the VIP valet area when one of them approached Steve Wynn and solicited him. In the police report it was reported that she said, “Do you want to get laid?” which is just absolutely ridiculous because no girl, I don’t care how dumb, would say that. They would say “do you want a date” or “lets go have a drink in your room” not just straight out “wanna fuck?” Anyway, Steve Wynn gets peeved and grabs the girl in some sort of chokehold according to the girls and when she struggles to get away he latches on tighter and calls for security. Meanwhile, the sister came up and open-hand slapped Steve Wynn in the face. Wow, that takes some nerve and I am sure this girl had no idea who she was dealing with.

What ticks me off is the police report since it’s obviously doctored up for Mr. Wynn and his “side” of the story. I believe what TMZ posted is the real report since the font and styling is like reports I have had from car incidents. Besides what I mentioned earlier of the verbal exchange between the two, the part about how he merely “wrapped his arms around [her] shoulders” is I think far from the truth because if someone was so nicely and gently “wrapping” their arms around someone and there was a struggle, this hold would not have kept her contained. I don’t think he physically wrapped has hands around her neck or something, but I am sure quite a bit more force was used than told in the report. On Fox 5 Las Vegas’ site they got to interview one of the sisters and she claimed that Steve Wynn had approached her and repeatedly called her Jaime like a mistaken identity. Who knows but things smell fishy from both sides and I am sure the girls will have to find a good lawyer to defend themselves. Also there are rumors one of the sisters is trying to sue Wynn but I doubt that will happen.

Oh and another thing to point out that seems sketchy… how would some random girl be able to walk up to a big casino mogul like that without 30 security guys protecting him? Sheldon Adelson has crazy security guards, along with Kirk Kirkorian and etc. It was also stated the first person to “help” was a valet guy? Quite pathetic if that was my first line of defense being the casino owner.

So I’ve been back in Vegas for a few days. Got the bags finally unpacked and have been busy keeping house since my brain just doesn’t want to get back on schedule! The first two days I came back were mediocre but last night ended up being decent and I am quite pleased. Lets keep that going!

Good Booking Etiquette of an Escort in Las Vegas Part III

Thursday, July 31st, 2008

I wanted to update a little and add to the series I started months ago here and here since I run into good pointers to give while trying to book clients who call me.

Don’t ask pointed questions about prostitution or specific entertainment over the phone:
It makes me really come off as the bad person or that I am trying to turn clients off when I have to recite my little “I’m sorry but prostitution is illegal here in Las Vegas” speech and though I hate doing it, I have to say it to cover my own rear. I have had people hang up on me or just give me a short answer of, “well, I’ll call back later” which of course means never. If they don’t just give up on me then I explain that I would love to meet them and work out all of the entertainment and details in person, I don’t charge for me to come over (though gas money would help!) and prove that I am not a shady escort. Though jaecyn posted that he had an ugly run in during a call from an internet site, I know myself and others aren’t bad like this. I know I am a little more easy going than some girls and all, but I really hate it when people push me and try to get something out of me to spill the beans about what I really do and for how much. In the end I like working out any deal I can. Especially these days its just silly to not make anything you can.
So how do you handle situations where you want to learn more but can’t ask? It’s a tough question because there is no right answer. Simply, if you like the picture, like the girl on the phone and have the gut feeling that she is truly an independent or you don’t mind dealing with an agency, then give it a shot. If you don’t like her at the door or can’t work something out then the polite thing is to maybe give a little something for her time if you feel generous.
Anyway… hoped this all helped a little. Flat lands and driving make me bored bored (don’t worry I am no driving and typing!).

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