The Las Vegas Courtesan

Strange Summer Times Including Some Strange Behaviors

So, typically during the summer time it gets a little slower around town. Families come here for their vacations, the conventions are over, and everyone kind of moves a little slower like your shoes have tar on the bottom of them from the heat of the desert. I’m used to this season after working for several summers now, but this one just baffles me. Since the 4th of July it has gotten slow, and when I say slow I mean like the previous years usual slow months (typically September and December).  I am used to quite a few calls still coming in during the summer but people just aren’t big spenders…. This year? Not many calls at all and the one’s I am getting seem like every excuse in the book is used to not actually follow through with entertainment.

So what happens when it gets slow? Girls get bored and start making risky moves by soliciting in casinos they normally would have been afraid of just because everything else isn’t working out. Who else gets bored? Cops. In recent weeks I have hear a couple of insane stories and for once they weren’t just from dancers. They were from a valet guy at a very prominent high end Strip hotel.  This boredom of the men in black has now turned to the seriously innocent casino workers who struggle to keep their jobs every day and were trying to make a little extra tip money. Supposedly some girls drive up to valet attendants at Strip hotels and ask the valet guys for heads up if “the coast is clear” which to me is kind of silly because that’s really not trustworthy information in my opinion. Either way the word spread to the authorities and they had one of their female officers driving through to the valet asking if the “coast is clear” and if the valet gave the girl any information about a bust going on or not, the attendant was arrested. Right there at his job in front of God and the recording devices. Of course the employee would be fired and probably could never get a job at another Strip hotel again. What would a charge for that be? Aiding and abetting supposedly though it makes no sense because the employee would have no idea for sure what was going on inside of the casino pertaining to a bust or not. I hope they got a good lawyer and even so, that arrest alone would screw up their life. This story made me so mad when I heard it…

I just don’t get how these types of law enforcements are really doing anything for the general safety of the public. It’s a guy working the valet at a casino, not dealing drugs, not stealing and not kidnapping kids. So what is the big deal?

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4 Responses to “Strange Summer Times Including Some Strange Behaviors”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    I was in Vegas last August. Didn’t see an escort while there, but I did enjoy watching a few of them work the casino floor. (Not judging at all – I’d just never seen that before and assumed it was only something you see in movies.)

  2. Ryan Says:

    It’s all in the game, as Omar on the Wire used to say. Cops objective is to make arrests and write tickets, whether they want to or not. Taking a bullet in the line of duty is in the game too. So it comes with the turf, I don’t feel bad about it.

  3. Pete Says:

    I think cops that think it’s “a game” are the problem. That’s the same thing that crappy rap music says over and over. That’s completely offensive. These are people. People with kids. People with families. People with bills. People not negatively affecting anyone else’s lives and their lives are being altered and permanently affected by cops just “playing the game.” You think you sound cool, Ryan, but you’re a part of the problem.

    Go catch a terrorist or a child molester or a murderer so you can actually earn your pay. It’s so comforting to see that our police are using television shows to justify their own flawed world views.

    “comes with the turf..” “taking a bullet..” Come on.. Don’t be a living caricature. People’s lives are not a second rate television crime drama.

  4. Christina LMT Says:

    That truly sucks. Prostitution should be legal, plain and simple. Then the police could turn their attention to REAL problems.

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