The Las Vegas Courtesan

My New Site Design is Live!

I hope everyone likes it! It’s taken a while but it’s finally up and seems to be working okay. If you run across something that’s not working exactly right please send me an email so I can take care of it.

As you can see I’ve taken on a few advertisers to cover hosting expenses and such, as well as to link to some industry advocacy groups and that sort of thing. If you have any ideas for non-profits that would be good to do some free advertising for please let me know… or anyone that wants to do some commercial advertising that’s excellent as well! Web design is expensive! hehe

And now, on to the poll….

How Is My New Site Design?

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11 Responses to “My New Site Design is Live!”

  1. Frank Says:

    One thing I have to say is that I subscribe to the RSS feed on Google Reader, so I’m not on the site a lot. I used to get the entire post, but now I just get part of the post and no picture, I much prefer the former. I understand if you want people to read posts on the actual site, but I just thought I’d say that.

  2. lasvegascourtesan Says:

    I have received a comment about this from one other person on my site and replied to them personally but will re-explain here.

    I changed the rss feeds a few weeks ago to teaser because of several reasons. First, I like for people to see the page as I intended it to be. Not everyone can see images in their readers, each program or site reformats things to they way they want them to be, and then my layout it broken as I had wanted. Second, when having the rss do a full post you get no feedback what so ever from a site like Google Analytics when you want to keep track of who reads your site and who likes what topics so that I could make sure everyone is happy with the topics and discussions. Finally, I had two choices of venturing out into advertising to help pay for my hosting/design/photography/etc. and the last thing I wanted to do was some obtrusive inline advertising sent via the rss feed in the full posts. This way you can visit and read the post without being so annoyed like you may from a reader. I think this is a good compromise that will make the most people happy. Gotta keep the lights on some how!

    Anyway, sorry if it frustrates some people but I also did some research and found that most popular blogs do this same form. I’ve checked on google reader and my own feed programs and most have easy ways to click through so it’s not too bad 🙂

  3. jaecyn Says:

    I Like the new layout. The new banner pic is good, the old one is still my favorite though.

  4. Tombo Says:

    Only problem is for us folks browsing from work. As much as I love the header photo at home, opening the page at work is a no-no. So I’ll read the teaser in my reader and unless it is something really interesting, I’ll never make it to the page anyway.

    Not trying to tell you how to setup your site, just offering another point of view. 🙂

  5. Frank Says:

    It’s not bad at all!

    Tombo: Maybe you can turn of images, but I’m not even savvy enough to do that…

  6. Alexa Says:

    I *love* the new design. It is very clean and professional looking. Including the header photo. 😉

  7. lasvegascourtesan Says:

    Frank: Yea I am thinking of adding a randomize line of code so that a new photo would be up there every time you hit refresh or just go change them out periodically so I don’t bore people.

    Wait I just reread that and you told Tombo to turn off images. heh. Another option as well I suppose. If you use FireFox go to Preferences, then Content tab… then click the button “Exceptions” next to “Load Images Automatically” and paste in my site url. Viola! You can read my site and be safe for work 🙂

  8. Phil Says:

    Most feedreaders allow you to not display images, as far as I am aware… Brave soul who reads adult content at work, anyhow… it’s not just the images employers scan… they have systems that monitor email content, text and web pages, URL’s etc.

  9. Tombo Says:

    In all honesty I don’t come here for the images, so I don’t mind the pictures not showing up in my reader. Having to manually browse to the site to read a whole post is just an inconvenience (and even more so if I have to disable automatic image downloads). And it’s an inconvenience which will probably lose my readership (not that I’m under any illusions that this is a big deal).

    It’s not really a matter of them looking through my history or anything (I am the ‘them’ for my company, so that isn’t a concern). Just the ever-present worry that somebody sitting around me will catch a glimpse of the screen, and the fact that it’s a pain in the rear when I’m going through hundreds of RSS items every morning to have to open this one in a separate window to read.

    I understand your reasoning behind this setup (I’m a blogger who half-assedly tracks my stats using Google Analytics), and say kudos to you for a good-looking site design. I just won’t be coming to see it on a regular basis. 🙂

  10. Me Says:

    I’m with Tombo on this one… Kudos for the site, but I can’t come to read it like I could full blog posts. The teaser concept with RSS actually defeats some of the purpose of RSS, which is so you don’t have to go to all the website to read what you are trying to read, but oh well.

  11. Buy Stock Photos Says:

    You have a great blog here and it is Nice to read some well written posts that have some relevancy…keep up the good work 😉

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