The Las Vegas Courtesan

I Did The Math Tonight And Came To This Conclusion…

I need to start adding a surcharge for condoms… because this is getting ridiculous. I usually prepare myself for clients by stocking up on the large boxes of Trojan condoms at Costco or the cheaper Wal-Mart by my house because they are $9-$10 for the whole huge pack. When I run out in the middle of the night because customers are using 3+ condoms and somehow depleted my condom supply in a week? I have to resort to going to Walgreens on the Strip which ends up costing me $30 for the same pack or when I’m in a pinch, $5 for 3 condoms from the gift shop or convenience store. That money adds up!

So.. my conclusion is the first two condoms are free… use 3 and up? $100 surcharge. Haha. Ok so the math works out in my favor but dangit! I am tired of looking like a skank asking for condoms from Habib behind the counter, that weird lady in the gift shops, or shelling out the unnecessary $20 at Walgreens at 4am. I like to do my rubber shopping along with the rest of my shopping! Then maybe no one notices the 60+ condoms in my basket 🙂

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4 Responses to “I Did The Math Tonight And Came To This Conclusion…”

  1. jenny demilo Says:

    I totally feel you in this one. I have a two condom limit, use more then two and the third isn’t available… but i think your 3rd condo surcharge is the way to go, good thinking!

  2. I Says:

    I guess buying condoms is a pain for _everyone_
    I also buy them with the rest of my grocieries for the same reason.

  3. Digital Photography » Blog Archive » I Did The Math Tonight And Came To This Conclusion… Says:

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  4. paco Says:

    maybe you could try out amazon subscriptions. Have them automatically send you a shipment every month. Free shipping and no sales tax, too.

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