The Las Vegas Courtesan

Photo For Today…

Ooh a  close up!


6 Responses to “Photo For Today…”

  1. cj Says:

    haven’t been able to match up that particular pic on any listing sites but thanks anyway for posting!!!

  2. LA GUY Says:

    glad you’re back to posting pics! any thoughts on the Spitzer case?

  3. cj Says:

    ok-i understand perfectly why you have to remain anonymous however you should know that I have spent the better part of the past few days combing every website I could find and have had absolutely no luck coming up with a match. Either I missed you (which would be unbelievably frustrating) or there’s actually a site that I have missed (which is difficult to comprehend). The good news is that my trip isn’t for several weeks so the candle of hope continues to flicker!!

  4. omar Says:

    Excellent photos and nice insight into your world/life. I find it fascinating and intriguing to know what you really think.


  5. pete from cal Says:

    Thank you for the pic… I’ve always wondered what’s between a woman’s legs… 😀 j/k Lovely pic! 😉 *wink*

  6. hoodie Says:


    And you’re not completely bald? That’s nice.. I was expecting plucked like a chicken 😉

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